Swedishband Refused from the northern industry town of Umeå
shaped the punk scene of the 90s as well as the straight edge
hardcore genre. With their masterpiece album The Shape of Punk to
Come they earned pop cultural fame in epic proportions. In proper
distinction to others of the branch Refused caught the very essence of
punk music: politics.
by Kilian
“a scenario of simplicity, a scenario of you and me”
will continue […] to do everything that is in our power to
overthrow the capitalist structure that alienates us from every
aspect of life and living, smash the reification that forces us to
dress in outdated identities and rules: we will continue to demand
revolution here and now, and not in some vague future […] We want
every day and every action to be a manifestation of love, joy,
confusion and revolt. […] We got everything to win and nothing but
our boredom to lose.” We
hearthe statement of a band that delivered furious and inspiring texts
of this kind with each record, called manifestos, printed in the
booklets of their LPs and CDs. A punk band that referred to French
intellectuals such as Foucault, Baudrillard, Derrida and Debord,
known as the post-structuralists or under the label of post-modernism
in Western philosophy.
only reached a small part of their fame whilst the band actually
existed. Since the masses of listeners and the critics became
definitely aware of the importance of their output, the crucial
impact of their oeuvre only occurred in its afterlife. The final
manifesto announcing their break-up in 1998 was signed with “REFUSED
ARE DEAD – LONG LIVE REFUSED”, as if there was an unperceived
force that already anticipated their heritage to come, not far from
the “self fulfilling prophecy” they talked about in the first
sentence of their farewell.
history: “worthless is the freedom bought”
in 1991 by 19-year-old Dennis Lyxzén and 16-year-old David Sandström
together with Pär Hansson and Jonas Lindgren who both left the band
later on, Refused succeeded their former band project Step
Forward. They grew up in the northern Swedish town of Umeå
located far from Stockholm between the capital and the Arctic Circle.
This dark and cold place in the midst of a mining region and
surrounded by heavy industry is in fact not as grim as could be
expected. It indeed has a rich cultural scene, including an opera, a
visual arts museum, a well-known annual jazz festival and two
universities which make the city a central research spot in
Sweden. Umeå
will be European Capital of Culture in 2014 to what Refused
certainly had a share boosting the local punk and straight edge scene
in the 90s.
the three EPs Refused
(1991), Operation
(1992) and This
Is the New Deal
(1993) they published their first full length album This
Just Might Be… the Truth
in 1994. At the time the band composed songs of harsh and not very
sophisticated hardcore punk. This tendency was kept up on the 1994 EP
as well as on the second album Songs
to Fan the Flames of Discontent
(1996) and the subsequent EP Rather
Be Dead
of the same year. The last two mentioned records developed an
explicit political slant. The album name Songs
to Fan the Flames of Discontent
was taken from the Little
Red Songbook,
a collection of workers' solidarity songs collected by
Swedish-American labour activist Joe Hill in 1909 and published
by the internationalist anti-capitalist organization
Industrial Workers of the World.
was the beginning to overturn the hardcore compositions to more
experimental and avant-garde approaches that culminated in the
fabulous third and final studio album
Shape of Punk to Come.
Its subtitle A
Chimerical Bombination in 12 Bursts
hints that this 1998 record represents Refused's
climax that should later inspire artists from all walks of life in
popular music.
this time Refused consisted of Dennis Lyxzén (voc), David
Sandström (drums, melodica), Kristofer Steen (git), Jon Brännström
(git, samples) and Magnus Björklund (later known as Magnus Flagge, bass,
band was nominated for the Swedish Grammy in the category “best
alternative hardrock band” three times in 1995, 1996 and 1998. But
they neither won the Grammy nor the Swedish national radio prize for
which they were nominated as “best live band” in 1997.In
the last two years of activity they were signed with the Swedish
indie label Burning Heart Records which popularised European
and Swedish bandssuch as The Hives,
Millencolin, Moneybrother, Turbonegro and The
(International) Noise Conspiracy to world wide success.
a year of extensive touring the band decided to split-up in autumn
of 1998 while on the road in the United States. Their last show in
Harrisonburg, Virginia in October 1998 was shut down by police
accompanied by the audience shouting “rather be alive” in
reference to the last song played: Rather Be Dead.The
year 2012 brought a surprising temporary reunion
of Refused
to tour festivals and play shows in Europe and the United States. New
records were not held out in
prospect for all band members are occupied with other musical or
creative projects.