"It’s about the eye and the sensibility to capture beauty in the ordinary, the occult."
Only blogging for about half a year, Victoria Leeds has already been featured in Vogue Fr., ASOS and MTV Style to name a few. Her style is a mix of old and new, pretty girl meets tomboy, fairytale meets rock festival. The mexican fashion blogger and photographer who lives in London has taken the blogosphere by storm with her unique style and dreamy pictures.
Here we offer you a little peek inside the mind of Victoria Leeds.
How and when did you get into photography?
My first contact was when I was at university I was studying industrial design and we had a photography class it was only for 6 months but I learned the basics, then when I moved to London I meet a Spanish photographer and I learned a lot from him at that time I was taking a lot of photographs of London almost everyday and it was all in film with my lomo.
Who or what inspires you?
I admire a lot of old and new photographers so I check websites for inspiration. For some reason I always feel more attracted to dark, mysterious images. My inspiration also comes from the things around me and from inside of me, I like to transmit feelings with my images.
What makes a photograph good to you?
For me is not about the camera or expensive gear. It's about the eye and the sensibility to capture beauty in the ordinary, the occult. I also love when photographers know how to capture the essence of a person, place or scene.
Who or what would you really like to take photos of some day?
What I like the most is taking photos of people in general.
Has living in London influenced your style and way of photography and fashion? If yes, how?
Oh yes! For me London is full of inspirational people who are very creative with their clothes. They know how to mix old and new so well and people do not bother about brands that much, it's more about personal style and I love that.
How did you get into blogging?
I'm very new to blogging to be honest, I started about 6 months ago and so far it has been great. I have met people all around the world and is great! It helps me to stay focused and improve my imagination and creativity.
What is the best and worst part about photography?
The worst is when you don't believe in yourself, when you think you can't be an amazing photographer, but I guess that rule apply for any career. The best is when people enjoy your work.
Where do your ideas come from?
My ideas flow when I'm walking or listening to music.